Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Truth About Dawn Seed (#3)

What a sadness, what a dilemma! Seedland heard about the horrible deaths of Homer and Gomer. The agony -- the Sneedy Seeds have long been enemies of Seedland. There had been a great battle with Godseed and Luciseed. Luciseed took many seeds with him after the battle and have fought Godseed ever since.

Ex Seed, Homer and Gomer's mom, was outright emotional. You never saw a seed carry on so; she went into seedshock; the little seedbodies of her sons were never recovered. In the midst of this tribulation, there was a seed that knew the meaning of pain and hurt. Her name was Inter Seed. Inter prayed daily that all Seedland would love the good Lord, would grow to bring nourishment to the Flesh-people, and that she could some day bear seed, for poor Inter was seedless. Inter prayed and prayed and prayed and one day the good Lord gave her a seed. Inter named her Dawn, because she was the beginning of a new day for her.

Inter taught Dawn to be patient and to wait on God and allow God to bring about things in His own time. She also instructed her daughter that the good Lord had a great purpose for her -- to bring nourishment to the Flesh-people. Dawn went to Germinating University like her cousins Rufus, Homer and Gomer. She learned many things and amazed her Professeeds. The day came when Dawn germinated and was Valiseedtorian of her class. She was finally on her way to the Great Farmer.

It seemed like an eternity before she arrived to her final destination. Dawn prayed that the good Lord would find her worthy of the Flesh-people. As she finished her prayer, the Great Farmer lifted her with the many other seeds in his hand and tossed her into the air. Dawn squealed with glee as she flew through the air. All the way to Mother Earth, Dawn just prayed, "Lord, may I be worthy." She fell in beautiful, black, soft, and earthy soil. Her root system went into action and she became the most beautiful plant that the Farmer had ever seen.

"Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown... but the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the Word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop."

All things happen in God's timing. We may have to wait a long time for our prayers to be answered, but the harvest and the wait are worthy it because we are under God's care and protection. Grow!

to be continued...

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