Saturday, January 3, 2009

a thought about worship

It is 2009 and I can't believe that we are still having to discuss hymns vss choruses & worship songs. When I started college it was the crest of the wave of worship. It was fresh, new, exciting, and most of all, ours. Thru the 70's more songs were written, and then in the 80's Integrity Music started an awesome music company which to this day brings out new and fresh worship songs. In the 90's more songs were written, new groups formed, and a bigger arsenal of songs. The new century has brought even more songs and groups and even ways to communicate these songs.

When you can go online and find any song (well except for the ones I need at the moment I need them) at any time, it is a new day and a new era of ministry. Technology has made music ministry easier and quicker and better.

But technology doesn't change the one important component in all worship, whether traditional or contemporary. And that component is communion with God. The musical style is not the important thing when we are face to face with the Creator. We can sing "Amazing Grace" or "Let God Arise" and come to the exact same place... face to face with Jehovah. The fact that we are there is important. That is what we seek, to worship in spirit and truth. That is what we need, God's presence.

I have a feeling that many don't care about being in God's presence. They may say they do, but reality is, in the American culture, if we aren't brought to the heights of glory by a song, we feel we haven't worshipped. When did that become the essence of worship -- our entertainment? But it is, sad to say. If we don't "feel" something, then we think we have not worshipped. When did our "feelings" dictate God's worship?

Just an aside, God doesn't need us. He doesn't need our songs, our words, not a single one. He is El Shaddai, the self sufficient ONE. He does love our hand painted trash cans (my favorite thing I made in elementary school, which really was a piece of junk). He loves our attempts. And he never asks where did you go to school? Who did you train with? How long have you been doing this? He does look at our hearts. That is all He needs and wants. Our hearts. My heart.

As these are thinking thoughts, i just wanted to be reminded today, that it is for God's glory, His purpose!

I wrote a song a few years ago that I want to end this with. I wrote it and didn't sing it for a long time in public. I have to this date never sung the verses, they will remain between God and I, but it is the desire of my heart and the reason I love worship, I have communion with the Creator of all things.

I am standing face to face (the acknowledgment)
With the One who took my place (the understanding)
With lifted hands I give You praise (the reaction)
As we stand here, face to face. (the worhsip)

I stand.

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