Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Worship Test

This is just a way for you to think about worship and your relationship to God and the way you live your life and think and well just the way you are!

1) what did you think about on your way to church today?

2) what did you think about on your way home from church today?

3) did you get involved in the worship today or just stand or sit during the service?

4) what did you think about during the service?

5) did you pray during the service?

6) how many people did you greet? if you saw new people did you greet them?

7) how many different churches have you been part of in the past year? 2 years? 5 years?

8) on Monday, do you still think about what happened on Sunday at church?

A self-test is always good. It teaches us about ourselves. It gives us understanding into those around us. By answering these questions and thinking about them, you are doing the exact thing that God is doing in your life. He knows what the answer is and what your answer is and what you really think and believe deep inside. God sees what you really believe. God sees what you really think.

When you read each question and thought about your answers, God knew and knows and sees, even before you do. The only question that you need to really answer is, do you love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind & strength? Who do you truly worship? Whose voice do you listen to?

1 comment:

  1. Pretty smooth - how you tied this post into the first song of the worship set today! Not so smooth - how I answered the questions. Thanks for making me think.
